Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions 2024-2025

Parents or guardians are expected to attend all sessions and are responsible for their child’s safety. I will remind children to not put things in their mouths and if younger siblings are attending, please be aware of any smaller pieces that may be set up for sensory and play activities. This class is designed to help children feel safe and ‘have a go’ at new things that they may at first find difficult, so I expect parent participation with ‘back and forth’ conversations to help your child progress throughout the block of sessions.

I shall advise you of health and safety procedures at the beginning of each session as advised by the property. I will have a pediatric first aid kit with me and I have had up to date first aid training.

I’ve attended classes myself with three of my children and I understand there are days where your child may be tired or feeling upset. Please feel free to bring their drinks and snacks with them and use the room that best suits their interests. There is no pressure to complete every activity- child led learning is often where the most magical moments happen.

One of the crucial parts of learning in this class will be the ability to listen and take in turns. I understand this does not happen overnight but with time children will get used to the set up of each session which will involve a short introduction and the rest will be play based activities. These opportunities will strengthen children’s social skills and build on their vocabulary.  

If your child is unwell before the session, I would strongly advise them not to attend. I understand this is frustrating, but it is fair requirement so that the other children do not catch things such as sickness bugs and chicken pox which are very easily spread. If there are any other health issues you would like to inform me about before signing up to the class, please contact me so we can discuss any additional needs or if you have any concerns for their wellbeing. If behaviour from adults or children is seen as violent or abusive, it will be at my discretion to ask you to leave.


You will be given a waiver form to fill out at the beginning of each new term which will be a permission slip for your child’s photograph to be used online and social media. Please be aware that there may be some parents who do not give permission, therefore, I ask for you to only take pictures of your own child. I am happy for you take picture of myself if I am working with your child.

I will be taking pictures of play sets ups before the children arrive and whilst they are playing to use on my own social media pages such as Instagram, but as a rule, I do prefer to take pictures of the children’s hands only without faces being shown. If, however, I do take any photographs of faces, I will refer to the permission forms first before posting anything online.

I am more than happy for you to share and tag pictures of your children who attend Miniplay2learn sessions and there will be incentives such as free lessons/ giveaway prizes the best picture of the month.

Miniplay2learn is a class that I have been thinking about since the COVID pandemic. Having taught for 15 years in both key stages I have a wealth of experience and I love to engage children with their interests as the centre of their learning so if there is anything your child is keen on such as space, please let me know! Home schooling my children during the pandemic showed me that there is such an amazing community of teachers out there who love to share ideas. I’ve had my Instagram account for nearly three years and in that time, I have shared my own personal content as well as using others. Therefore, I truly believe if an idea of mine has helped your child- please feel free to share away! There is no better feeling knowing an idea has been reused by many children.

If you miss a lesson due to illness, I will be more than happy to discuss the activities with you and how you could do them at home using resources you may have around the house.

If I cannot attend a session due to an unforeseen emergency, I shall refund you the full amount for that day only. I will message or email you to let you know as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if you cannot attend due to illness or have made alternative plans for that day, I cannot refund the absence, as I take term bookings only.

If there any further questions or feedback you would like to give, please send all enquiries to ruth@miniplay2learn.co.uk


Each lesson is £8 and will be booked in block sessions only.

Younger siblings of 2 or older will be half price and under 2’s will be free of charge but please do remember many of the resources used are for 3 years of age and older. I aim to have many resources used that could be potential choking hazards raised for the older children to use but parent supervision is always required.

The most important part of these sessions is to have fun! I look forward to spending quality time with you and your children.


Thank you.
